Figurines imprimées en 3dMade in France


Jack l'éventreur - Great Grimoire

Jack l'éventreur - Great Grimoire 8.49 EUR

Figurine et son socle carré de 25mm inclu

Echelle 32mm

Description de l'artiste :


The ripper


He came out of nowhere. Like a swift shadow, the man emerged and took form in the dim light from the streetlamp. Deadly and silent, he rushed at me like a bloody hellhound ready to strike in the darkness with a killer grace.

For days, I traced his trails, following this weak lead - and still the Ripper has caught me off-guard. I could almost feel the cold of his blade right in front of my face. I'ts not like I was holding on my life too tight but that was definitely not the way I'd like to end it. If I should die that day, at least I wouldn't do it alone. Someone better have another couple of coins for the ferryman...


Design par Great Grimoire